A lot has happened in the last few weeks for our Vida Nueva of Southeast Tennessee (VNSETN) community efforts. Sarah Newby and Mandy Ledford observed Young Women’s NGVM #56 and Ray Newby, Kelvin Stamper and Josh Cheresnick observed the Young Men’s weekend. At our March 19th Council/Steering Committee we selected two outstanding Directors for our first Weekends in September. Sarah Roberts and Larry Byrd from the North Georgia VN Community have accepted God’s call and are excited to get started on their journey.
The dates for VNSETN #1 are:
September 7-9, 2018 for Young Women, and
September 14-16, 2018 for Young Men.
Click here to submit an application for a candidate.
We are now ready to start accepting applications for Candidates. Applications will currently only be by “hardcopy” mailed to our PO Box listed on the application. The applications will be available on the VNSETN and TDSETN Facebook pages, and will soon be available on our website – www.vnsetn.org. We will eventually be able to register online, but a hardcopy signed application will still have to be mailed. Applications will be accepted and placed on the wait list by the postmark date. Please be sure to read the application thoroughly. Kay and Don Provonsha are our Pre-Weekend Team responsible or processing applications.
There will be positions for some TDSETN Pescadores to serve on the weekends, so if you are interested contact:
For Young Women’s weekend – Sarah Newby, ssnewby@epbfi.com, and
For Young Men’s weekend – Ray Newby, rlnewby@epbfi.com.
We really would like TDSETN Pescadores that are under 25 to step up and serve. We will be providing recommended names to Sarah and Larry.
The weekend fee for Candidates and team is $80, with an additional $20 team fee for Team Members.