Got Teens?
School break is here, and now is the time to sign up your 15 and older teens for the first Vida Nueva of Southeast Tennessee weekends.
We are now accepting applications for Candidates to attend VNSETN #1. Applications will currently only be by “hardcopy” mailed to our PO Box listed on the application. The applications are available on the VNSETN and TDSETN Facebook pages, and also available on our new website – We will eventually be able to register online, but a hardcopy signed application will still have to be mailed. Applications will be accepted and placed on the wait list by the postmark date. Please be sure to read the application thoroughly. Kay and Don Provonsha are our Pre-Weekend Team responsible for processing applications. The weekend fee for Candidates and Team is $80, with an additional $20 team fee for Team Members.
We have two VNSETN Council/Steering Committee positions to fill at our June 18th Committee meeting. Anyone is welcome to attend the Committee meeting, which begins at 6:30pm at the ARC. Prayerfully consider serving the VN community by volunteering to serve as:
Post-Weekend Team (equivalent to Fourth Day Couple in Tres Dias)
Food Team
These positions can be singles or married couples, but two people are recommended. We are calling these “Teams” rather than “Couples” to allow younger people to serve that may not be married. If you would like detailed description of the position duties or are willing to be nominated, contact Ray Newby (
If you would like to donate to VNSETN to help offset startup costs or provide scholarships for candidates and/or team, please send contributions to: VNSETN, PO Box 115, Apison, TN 37302. Make checks out to TDSETN and note VNSETN on the “for” line.
Ray Newby